
CGA Suggestions – New Contact Method Update & Data

See how your data is contributing to the strategy of CGA Technology and Flex Manager Updated Results of Suppositions Publisher – Steven Battersby – Commerical Manager, CGA Technology 55.4% use the SOS manual as the first source of information. This information shows us that we need to improve how we integrate the SOS manager into the front end of the system to provide data when you need it most. We have already work underway to do this so watch this space for announcements! Learning what industry is generating the most suggestions will allow us to identify beta testers and review test cycles through their practices. As a company with a global reach, we need to manage and monitor support to ensure we are covering new markets to the required capability and also that the system is being designed in a way which can adjust to different legislation and practice. We can see here which modules are getting the most amount of suggestions. That will define the priority in which we do our in-depth testing and functionality reviews. The integration between our development system and the client ensures that we are receiving a clear message of what is required from teh client perspective and allows us ot understand what circumstances they face and wish to have altered. The clients are the experts in their field and we are the experts in technology so merging these two roles will allow us to improve the system for the benefit of all. In case you didn’t already know this but your suggestions mean a lot to us. They help us understand your needs to better improve the product and keep up contact. This process of continuous improvement within the Flex Manager system and applications shows our continued commitment to bringing our customers the best possible product and keeping up to date with modern innovations. From previous release notes, you can see the vast array of actions that happen each and day/week/month and the incredible effort our team goes to on your behalf. As always there is room for improvement and in order to do this, we need DATA! That is why we have introduced a new embedded form within your SOS Manual. This links directly into our development task list for assessment and enables you to explain what improvements would be helpful for your use of the Flex Manager system. Bugs and queries still go through support@cgatechnology.com. Thanks for your continued help and support, The CGA Team
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