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Flex 5.11 Release Notes
Its been a busy few months here at CGA, we have 3 new team members and a lot of projects completed.
Please see the below information in relation to the Flex Manager 5.10 release on the 07/09/19.
Our open webinar is a great way to get direct feedback from the team on the features, there are 2 sessions available so feel free to jump in and get the rundown on what has changed and if it may be of benefit to you.
FREE WEBINAR – Tuesday, 3 September⋅10:00 – 11:00 (GMT)
FREE WEBINAR – Wednesday, 4 September⋅16:00 – 17:00 (GMT)
All sessions will be recorded and made available to all Flex administrators through the SOS manual for further learning and development.
If you require any further information contact |
Focus Piece

CGA Hazard
Management Module |
One of the main issues in safety management for construction companies is to change organisational behaviour to create a Safety Culture.
Using proactive technologies and recording data from the lowest point to the highest, you enable all parties to contribute to site welfare and safety.
The number of records captured vs. the man-hours can be used as a comparison metric to show engagement in safety and encourage continuous improvement on site.
Other features such as the 60:40 rule for positive vs. negative observations as well as the details on the categorisation of issues can be used as key understanding as to where to find improvement and encourage positive behaviour.
Contact for more information
Please note, this is not part of a standard licencing agreement and will result in additional licence fees |
- 23-January – New: Work Order – Created by – Pie Chart
Audit Log
- 21-August – Fix: Follow up actions saving changes made after Audits by the user.
Employee Reward Scheme
- 23-January – View by full employee list
- 24-January – Office hours only mail delivery restrictions – ability to set open hours dates and times. No notifications will fire outside of these times.
- 21-August – Update: Online orientation given the same system notifications as online training.
Document Library
- 05-February – Disable most views and recent updates for externals. Increase security on URL’s
- 21-August – New: Added .pub supported file type for Document Manager.
- 23-January – Attendance – colour control on background of employee / contractor and visitor numbers
- 26-August – Maintenance Due Maintenance Completion Rate Year to Date combined total Maintenances completed Real-time total number of Active Maintenances Real-time total number of all assets at status “ON HOLD”
Employee Control
- 21-August – Update: The certifications assigned to an employees profile remains on their profile when they are transferred between sites.
Notification Email Control
- 29-March – Notification emails for the following modules will now contain links directly to the Flex app. This will bring the user directly to the applicable action on their Flex app from the notification email with one touch. Audits Environmental Audits Tasks / Work Orders Equipment Inspections Equipment Maintenance
- 23-August – Update: Formatting for email notifications for Outlook email addresses updated.
Employee Import
- 21-August – New: Manual inputting of employee codes allowed on templates for uploading of employee templates.
Employee Profile
- 23-January – Update: On Edit Screen – Multiple updates to details styling to create consistency
- 24-January – CV – Settings to include / remove sections in the auto generate system CV
- 24-January – Ability to sign employee signature via web portal
- 27-May – Employee Profile > Task Manager: New tabs added to Task Manager section of employee profile that display Tasks created by employee, Tasks where employee is added as an Interested Party and Active Tasks for the employee’s team (direct reports)
- 21-August – New: Able to add individual First Name and Surname fields to ID Card Design.
- 22-August – Update: Employee’s search tabs.
Equipment Register
- 23-January – New EQU Tabs: Training Required / Risk Assessments
- 27-May – New option to require a signature when completing an Inspection or Maintenance from PC
- 21-August – Update: Equipment can be identified by Asset No. and Serial No. on system and in reporting.
Equipment Assignment
- 29-April – If there are Training Qualifications set up for an Asset Category, an Asset can then only be assigned to an employee if they have earned those selected qualifications — i.e. they can only be assigned an Asset if they are qualified to use it
- 21-August – New: The date of the equipment assignment can now be selected by the user.
Equipment Inspections
- 29-April – New super admin function to close / delete all active Equipment Inspections and Maintenances en masse
- 27-May – New super admin function to delete all active Inspections
- 21-August – Inspections costs and time management have been added to the PDF report.
Inspection Certificate
- 24-January – Back Button added in admin settings
Equipment Maintenance
- 05-February – Ability to manually input time for work during maintenance – This is a precursor to gather info to potentially increase future reporting capability.
- 27-May – New super admin function to delete all active Maintenances
- 21-August – Maintenance costs and time management have been added to the PDF report.
- 27-May – New FLRA module now available (Floor Level Risk Assessment). Analytics, Weekly Stats and Scheduled Reporting on this module Search by Topic, Project, or Employee
Hazard Risk Reporting
- 23-April – Audit Schedule – When de-activating a Scheduled Audit, there is now an option that allows the user to also de-activate any Audits that are currently active as part of this schedule – as well as the schedule itself
- 29-April – New option to include additional signatures when completing an audit from PC
- 20-June – Admin > Audits > Schedule: When a scheduled Audit is rescheduled, there is now a calendar date picker that allows the user to define when the next set of scheduled audits will start
- 20-June – When a Pending Audit has already been started from the system on a PC, the symbol displayed beside the Audit will now be an edit pencil with a screen. This will allow the user to define if an Audit has not been started, if it has been started on the app or if it has been started on the system.
- 21-August – Update: Audit Template update to include Name/Type and Sections during an upload.
- 21-August – New: Audit import template generate for uploading audit questions, question types and answer types expected.
ID Printing Service
- 21-August – Update – Ability to remove input fields on ID Card Design included.
- 21-August – Fix: Ability to save changes made to ID cards and retain the saved changes.
- 26-August – New: Induction code, induction date, and location can now be included on the ID card for on-site access.
Incident Reporting
- 23-January – Update: Custom Incident Settings – Warning Text -“When set to yes, the selecting employees from all projects setting is restricted”
- 23-January – Update to “button” styling for customisable sections. Increase style conformity.
- 29-March – New setting — Mandatory to fill in text in Incident Report section where there is an option to select Other, with extra text box
- 29-April – New setting — Exclude Subcontractor sections Option to remove Subcontractor companies / employees from drop down menu when entering data for Personal Information stage of an Incident Report
- 27-May – Files uploaded to the Incident Documentation section of the Incident Report can now be deleted by the up-loader and by users with Admin access on Incident Reporting
- 27-May – Full range of file types can now be added as attachments to Incident Reports – pdf, doc, excel, mp4 etc
- 21-August – Sub-Contractor employee usergroup can no longer be added as reviewers to Custom Review incident report stage
- 21-August – Fix: Issue regarding incident being pushed to completed stage without review is now resolved.
- 21-August – New: The ability to change location of incident report after submission to correct errors.
Job Risk Management
- 29-April – New colour coding for different Risk Types when viewing Risks overview
Lessons Learnt
- 14-February – Ability to add pictures
Policies & Procedures
- 05-February – Extension of policies and procedures module to be acknowledged by contractors by contractor type.
Purchase Orders
- 29-March – There is now an alert within the Item List of a Purchase Order that will inform the User if the unit price of an item has been changed
- 24-January – New notifications – Reactivated / Archived
- 24-January – Employee details – Supplier Employees – list, links and export option
- 20-June – There is now a new Permission in User Management used to define whether a user has access to the Additional Data / Extra Details section of the Project Profile. Read permissions on this will allow the user to view project Additional Data Write permissions on this will allow the user to add / edit project Additional Data
- 21-August – Improved navigation of project settings.
- 23-August – New: Project profile view showing all of the major modules contained within, now available.
Scheduled Reporting
- 24-January – Time-off report – additional look back search parameter added
- 08-April – Training Matrix Report — This report will now display a complete overview of any valid and expired qualifications, captured at the time the report the report is run. There will no longer be a Look Forward / Backward period on this report as all qualifications will be displayed, regardless of expiry date. This Report will also display non-expiring qualifications
- 24-April – The Run Now function on scheduled reports will allow the user to instantly run their scheduled report to display a snapshot of the report data from the last run date. This will run outside of the report’s schedule and so will not affect the next run date.
- 27-May – Audit scheduled reports: For reports displaying scheduled audits, any audits that are overdue will now be highlighted in red
- 27-May – New Scheduled Report for current stock levels and stock items by Status
- 20-June – New setting to turn off password protection for excel files sent from Scheduled Reporting section
- 02-July – The following reports have been added to the Training Courses report section: – Hours by Course – Total Employee Course Hours – Total Hours by Project – Summary by Department Type
- 21-August – New option to set time zone for the run time on each Scheduled Report.
- 21-August – Fix: Re-occurring tasks not accurately being reported has been fixed.
- 21-August – Update: Section to exclude the end date of the report.
- 21-August – New reporting module that allows the user to select the reporting dates.
Risk Register
- 02-January – New: A Risk Assessment can now be directly linked to stock items on your Flex system
- 23-January – Update: Light orange Framing of sections to assist in readability.
- 23-January – Update: Likelihood and consequence customisable dropdowns restricted to keep content within page boundaries.
- 23-January – New: Filters added to select lists for better usability
- 23-January – **Bug Fix – Reference Doc upload amended
- 21-August – Corrective actions assigned to a risk, now are displayed in the PDF report.
Behaviour Observation
- 23-January – Update: Multiple style updates for assisted functionality and visual conformity
Subcontractor Details
- 02-January – New: There is a function to allow Sub-Contractors to view the GPS location of projects / sites they have permissions on. This will be in the form of a button beside each assigned project linking to its GPS location
- 21-August – Update: When Subcontractor is removed from the system, employees of this subcontractor now get automatically removed also.
Security Patrols
- 27-May – New option to set amount of leeway time before / after a checkpoint is reached to trigger warning
Subcontractor Employees
- 21-August – Filter in the subcontractor employees section has been improved.
- 21-August – New: Able to export a list of all subcontractors alone that are currently on a site.
System Set-up
- 21-August – Update: Auto Increment function included on all ID and number related identifiers.
Sales – Invoice
- 02-July – The Sales Order PDFs generated from system have now been given the following editing options Report Order: – Create New Section – Re-Order (drag and Drop sections) – Edit button – Sections can now enabled or disabled
Subcontractor Safety
- 23-January – Control Details – Notification when document rejected
- 29-March – New system notification to notify Contractors when a company’s Safety Details have been changed / updated. This notification will go out to the Contractor’s primary email address, to the company’s Flex point of contact and to the Internal Employee who is the main point of contact with the contractor company.
- 27-May – Documents uploaded to a Sub-Contractor’s Safety Details section can now be deleted by users with Admin access on Sub-Contractor Manager
Stock Management
- 05-February – Display unit of measurement on stock overview screen
- 27-May – New option to require signature when assigning stock to employee or asset from PC
- 27-May – Stock Take — New option to export stock take to an excel file
- 27-May – Stock Manager > Issue to Employee / Asset: When issuing stock, users can now filter / search for stock items by group, making it easier to find stock items
- 21-August – The load timing in the stock management section has been improved by the addition of groups filters when adding or transferring stock.
Supplier Manager
- 18-December – New: Sub-Contractor Supervisor can now schedule and send Online Orientations to other Sub-Contractor employees from his/her own Sub-Contractor login account
- 23-January – Location History Tab – Address field added
- 24-January – Ability to control whether a supplier type is party to controls or not
- 23-April – Sub-Contractor Employee profiles will now be displayed in a separate page when viewed instead of a pop-up window
- 29-April – Sub-Contractor employee profiles can now be merged if duplicate profiles have been created
- 29-April – New option on Sub-Contractor employee profile to transfer employee to different company
- 27-May – Sub-Contractor Profile > Safety Details: Users will now have the ability to access a history of previously uploaded documents for their Safety Details instead of just the current document
- 21-August – Update: Work orders from all suppliers now become inactive when a supplier is removed or archived.
System Administration
- 29-April – New super admin function that will allow users to view a log of incorrect password entries by employees and sub-contractor employees
Time & Attendance
- 23-January – Update: Summary (Contractor & Employee) Export reviewed and amended to process more efficiently
- 21-August – New: Ability to view employees scan ins, using the application, on the Flex system within Scan Checks as well as using swipe cards.
Training Manager
- 27-May – New option to require signature when completing a Policy & Procedure, Training Course, Orientation of Toolbox Talk from PC
- 21-August – Able to upload .ogg and .webm video files to upload sidepanel.
- 21-August – Update: Able to upload .ogg and .webm video files to upload sidepanel.
- 21-August – Update: Able to upload training videos in online training list and sort them alphabetically.
- 21-August – Update: Able to upload training videos in online training list and sort them alphabetically.
- 21-August – Button to export data and filter by module number, module name and/or delivery method type, have been added.
- 21-August – Update: Dialog confirm boxes inputted for changes to training history to reduce errors.
Training Courses
- 21-August – Update: Option to add presenter signature.
Online Training
- 29-April – New “rewind” function on Training videos
- 20-June – Users can set up a bank of questions for Online Training courses and a random set of these questions will be selected for completion each time the Online Training course is taken.
Time-Off Manager
- 05-February – Style review and updates where required for conformity
- 29-April – Time-Off Manager > Calendar Time off marked in this calendar will now link the user back to the Time-Off request itself when clicked
- 21-August – Update: There is now the ability to alter the annual leave run dates to any calendar date.
- 22-August – Update: Time management is now calculating time off and corresponding with allocation remaining.
- 14-February – Progress bar for online orientations media
- 29-April – New widget to display number of completed Orientations and how many employees have attended each Orientation
- 27-May – When adding sub-contractor employees to attend orientations, there is now a filter on this list to make finding attendees easier
- 27-May – When adding sub-contractor employees to attend orientations, there is now a filter on this list to make finding attendees easier
- 20-June – New option in Orientation Settings : Retake Test / Section If this option is set to Section, then if a user has failed a section on an Online Orientation they will be able to select the section they had failed and retake it instead of retaking the entire Online Orientation.
- 20-June – When setting up Online Orientation questions, there is now the option to add a Text question type as well as True / False, Multi-Choice and Count. The answer for this Text question type will be non-evaluated.
- 20-June – Users can set up a bank of questions for Online Orientation courses and a random set of these questions will be selected for completion each time the Online Orientation is taken.
- 21-August – Size of slides increased for Online Orientations
- 21-August – New: Orientations for subcontractors, both passed and failed, can now be viewed in entirety by the admin.
- 21-August – New: Subcontractors can now schedule and send their own Online Orientations.
- 21-August – New: Completion message inputted for user when they complete induction training.
- 21-August – New: Ability to change the Presenter on the Add New Orientations section to assign the access to complete orientations
- 21-August – Update – button highlighted for retaking orientation training included.
- 22-August – Update: Settings on orientations, expiry dates of certificates, certification numbers and the inclusion of columns detailing the same were updated.
Toolbox Talks
- 29-April – New widget to display number of completed Toolbox Talks and how many employees have attended each Talk
User Management
- 05-February – New separation in permission manager of view / write permission for audits
Workplace Inspections
- 24-January – Complete Summary – View extra details on corrective actions such as question reference
- 29-March – There is now a Scheduled Report available for Workplace Inspections that includes report sections for Pending, Complete and All Workplace Inspections
Weekly Stats
- 24-January – New Automated Fields – Toolbox Talks – Subdivided by internal & external
- 21-August – Update: Total Hours per week calculations on KPIs.
Job Manager
- 23-January – Linked Tasks – Additional info carried into the description automatically
- 20-June – The user can now create a Sales Order from within a Work Order. Once saved, this will link the user directly to the Sales Order. When adding Sales Order to work order, user will select supplier from drop down menu and add delivery instructions before saving.
- 21-August – New: Filter sections in Category Overview.
- 21-August – New: The end user cannot delete any job elements of a scheduled work order but they can add in new elements.
Advanced Edit
- 21-August – Update: Language and text decoding for system.