Flex Manager keeps your employees’ informed about what is happening in real-time during the rapidly changing situation surrounding COVID-19. Keeping your workforce informed will mitigate misunderstandings and improve communications. Flex helps you to be connected with your workforce, even if they are working from home.
Incident Report on Flex – Covid-19 Contact
Employees can log in on Flex and have direct access to incident reports.
For example, if the HSE has notified one of your employees that they are a close Covid-19 contact, it is easy to report it on Flex and upload relevant documentation.
Injury Manager on Flex – Positive Covid-19 Case
If one Covid case is confirmed within the company, log as an injury as it will help you to have clear traceability of the Covid-19 recovery. Appointments are logged as well as the treatments and prescriptions. Managers can add notes and any extra information they consider relevant.
Flex’s platform is permission restricted so you can decide which group of employees have access level to the Injury Manager module.
Training Manager on Flex – New Measurements
Train your workforce with Covid-19 instructions, for example, a video from the World’s health organisation, ergonomic awareness training or any company training. All training programmes are fully customisable so you can decide the message to deliver. Videos, presentations and PDF documents can be added to the training course.
Policies and Procedures on Flex – Share Documentation
If the government establishes new regulations, the best way to communicate across the company is to set a new policy. This can be sent to a particular group of people or department. The policies and procedures module notifies you who has signed off and displays the compliance percentage of the document.
The module can easily send reminders to those who have not read the policy. Readers can use digital signatures to acknowledge they have understood the communication or process.
Toolbox Talks on Flex – Communication for specific groups
These are also called safety briefings. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is vital to keep a clear approach with a consistent message. Toolbox talks display the message delivered and enable them to add supporting material. For example, new hygiene procedures can be delivered and captured throughout these meetings.
Task Manager on Flex – Follow up Actionables
COVID-19 Alerts can be set up as a task. The workforce is informed where the cluster is, further procedures and any other potential people affected. The task can be classified with low, medium or high priority. Flex gives you full traceability of your actions.
Communications on Flex- Urgent Alerts
Alerts are an effective way to communicate specific messages across the company. Instead of receiving an email, employees will log in into their Flex account, and the alert will be displayed on their dashboard. Any government legislation or local authorities advice can be set up in this module.
Audits on Flex – Covid-19 Deep Clean
Audits can be tailor to particular questions and specific areas. As a result of the audit, it will be effortless to set up follow up actions as the module is linked with the task manager, allowing corrective actions to take place.
Check out the video below to see the step by step of how to set up the Flex’s modules with a Covid-19 approach. If you have any questions or you would like to know how to set any procedure on Flex. Please get in contact with us at support@cgatechnology.com