Safe Working Method Statement
- Identify steps required to initiate a specific activity or task in a safe manner.
- Assess the likelihood and severity of risks and plan control measures to eliminate these risks.
- Central Management system to record hazards by category and location.
- Documents describing control measures and safety precautions and how they can be implemented.
Key Features
Editable to your own specifications.
Checklist to ensure risk reduction.
Training Requirements
Cross reference training requirements with permits.
Asset Risk Assessment
Assess hazards and risk levels and track control measures.
Central Risk
Central company management system to record hazards.
Chemical Risk Assessments
To ensure eco-compliance with link to chemical library.
Biological Risk Assessments
All risk assessments in one convenient system.
PDF Exports
For ease of sharing and printing.
Update actions through the Android or iOS app.
Review & Approvals
To track the reduction of the risk & ensure compliance.