Factory manager and worker with safety helmet use laptop and corporated application


Key Features

Create Various

Allow for diversified reviews and outcomes based on customisable Audit categories.


Configure all your audit procedures and enable settings to support this format.


Ensure necessary reactions are followed through with a complete overview of progress.

Configurable Sections

Customise specific safety categories to align with internal processes.

Image & Video Capture

Upload visual media formats to assist in audit completion and provide reference points.

Notifications & Alerts

Establish and receive notifications for each step of the process, such as scheduled time, completion, and overdue status.

Calendar Views

Gain complete oversight for all scheduled audits through the easily accessed itinerary.

Supported on Android & iOS

Complete accessibility through the Web System or on the move with all mobile operating systems.


Automatically log geo-location once audit has been completed to allow for easy follow up tasks to be undertaken.

Capture Offline Data

Complete your Audit offline in remote locations with the ability to sync your data at a later time.

What can FlexManager do for you?

Create standardised practices that can be completed throughout your company
Worker in container storage yard check quantity counting and record to tablet for right location
Record non-conformance and track corrective actions through the linked Task Manager module
Construction workers measuring building
Easily measure the success of practices company-wide to ensure compliance throughout
professional technician engineer with safety hard hat working in industrial factory.
Use detailed Analytics and Scheduled Reports to get a concise overview of your company and accelerate innovation where necessary

Linked Modules